Welcome to Joe's Pub

Hi there folks, my name is Joseph Daniels and welcome to my blog page. Oh and incase you were wondering why I called my blog page "A Shot of Joe Daniels", it's a reference to the world famous whiskey brand Jack Daniels. It's also kind of ironic since I don't drink. Anyway, I'm a proud native of Oklahoma City, OK and I have been blessed with an awesome family. My wife, Nadine, is my best friend and soulmate and together we have to amazing daughters who are my pride and joy.

I am a huge fan of the Oklahoma Sooners and the Oklahoma City Thunder. Yes, it was a bit of a heartbreaking season for us since we didn't manage to win the NBA title this year, but I'm proud of my team and I'm positive that we can get back to the finals again.  But anyway, enough about that for now. Let's get to the reason why I decided to start this blog. I guess you can say that I did it out of boredom and whatnot, but the real reason why I did this is because I want to share some stories online.

I know that this is probably not going to be a popular thing to do, but hey it's my blog so I might as well do what I want with it. You guys just stick around because I have some good stories that I want to share with you all whenever I get the chance to update this blog.